Earn Money By Translating Articles on Signiscape


FlappingGumsSigniscape_officialJan. 12, 2021, 11:53 a.m.
business, Signiscape, シニスケープ, English, information, blog, global, monetization, translation, translating articles,

Signiscape is a website where information from around the world comes together.
You can make some money translating the articles and written works uploaded here!

If you know how to translate an article, follow these five steps:

  1. Connect a valid bank account to your Signiscape account
  2. Select the article you want to translate from the translation page
  3. Write and submit your translation
  4. Wait for your translation to be approved
  5. Receive your payment

Depending on the article, the payment amount will differ.

You don't need to be a professional translator; as long as you understand multiple languages and can discern the tone of the text, you can earn money translating in your free time!
Approval of the translation is required before it uploads, so we appreciate translations which are not only accurate, but also equate the nuances and colloquialisms of the original text.


You can find the article translation page here:

Not yet implemented:

We plan to put a system in place which will pay an amount in accordance with the number of views on the translated article. You would also be able to earn an additional bonus by making translations easier to read/digest.

How to Register an Account on Signiscape

First-time users must register as a member on the site.

  1. Click the rightmost button at the top of the site, labelled Sign in (Clicking Write an article will also automatically redirect you to the registration page)
  2. Click Sign Up
  3. Enter your email address and create a username and password
  4. Once completed, a confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address

At this point, your account setup is completed.


How to Connect your Bank Account to your Signiscape Account

After you've registered, you next need to set up your account to receive revenue.
Click Account at the top of the screen to go to your account page.

On your account page, click the Connect with Stripe button at the bottom of your account information.

Stripe is an external secure digital payment tool. All matters related to payment and management of revenue will be handled in Stripe.
To connect your bank account, you will be redirected to Stripe's registration page, where you will create a Stripe account by entering information about your bank and your business.

Once you have filled out all the information on that page, your Signiscape account should be set up for monetization.

Choose an Article to Translate

Once you have connected a Stripe account to your Signiscape account, you are ready to check out the articles on the translation request page.

Click Translation at the top of the site to see the current translation requests.

First, you will see two filters.

In the upper one, select for languages which artcles were originally written in.
In the lower one, select for languages into which you wish to translate.


Then, the articles currently requesting translation will appear below as per the filters you have selected.

Each article also lists its current rating. Keep in mind translated versions of highly rated and substantially viewed articles are likely to attract similar amounts of attention to the original!


Write your Translation

Once you have chosen an article, it's time to begin composing your translation.

Examine its contents thoroughly.
In the Annotation field at the bottom of the article, extra notes are described by the requester. By translating according to them, it is more likely that it will be accepted, so pay special attention to them.

Note: The image on top shows the annotations from the original version of this text. It is what the box will look like when you read through an article requesting translation.
The image on the bottom is captured from the translation interface and represents the information from the above image, plus an extra note left by the translator.

At the bottom of the page, click the translation button that corresponds to the language you will translate into. The offered payment appears next to the language request.


Also, the amount paid by the requester so far is displayed in USD, regardless of your country's currency, in the Requester box below the Annotations.

The requester's acccount is visible so you can confirm if they are someone in whom you can be confident will pay accurately and on time.

Upon clicking a translation button, you will be redirected to the translation interface, which consists of five editable text fields.
They are the Title, Body, Tags, Annotation, and Description. Please do not forget to translate all of them.

  • Tags                               Keywords which are used to find the article in searches. Try to translate them into keywords which are easy to search for.
  • Requester's Annotation Important to translate because your translated article may be used by a future translator who doesn't speak the original language but does know yours.
  • Description                       Here, mention the article's main selling points. This way, the possibility of your translation being accepted increases.

After you've finished translating, you will need to submit it. You can save a draft and come back to it later, but be aware that once submitted, it cannot be unsent.

These actions are completed with the following two buttons at the very bottom of the translation interface:

  • Submit   Submit your finalized translation.
  • Save      Save your draft for later. When you want to keep editing, you can access it on your account page.


Wait for Approval

When you've submitted your translation, it will be sent to the requester who wrote the original article.
If its contents are approved, payment will be processed through Stripe. 

Unfortunately, in the event a different translation is approved before yours, it won't be approved and you will not receive payment. 


Personal Ideas for Translation

We hope you will use your skills to translate plenty of information of international value.
Translation takes many forms, so:

  • Don't stick to direct translation
    • Automatic translation tools return direct translations which are usually not easy to read. Write an easy-to-read translation by changing small details as you see fit.
  • Translate in an interesting fashion
    • The more the translation is read, the more profitable it will be for the requester. Try to make an interesting translation with your own ideas and creative process.

As mentioned above, we plan to implement a function that pays translators by the number views on the translated article in the future.


The information you find interesting in other languages is typically just as interesting to other people in your country. Though, multilingualism remains relatively low.

And although machine translation is evolving, literal translation can be difficult to read or inaccurate.

Capitalize on your valuable language skills. As you make the world an better place, you might even end up making some money!

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